Hvordan formidler du bedst muligt fortællingen om en kold krig, der aldrig blev varm til skoleelever? På Hjørring Kommunearkiv har vi udarbejdet undervisningsmaterialet Den Kolde Krig i din hjemby – Lokale kilder til Den Kolde Krig i Hjørring og omegn, der har en ambition om at bringe lokale kilder i spil på en måde, der giver eleverne mulighed for ikke blot at få et kendskab til Den Kolde Krig, men giver dem en betydningsgivende relation til de historiske begivenheder, der har formet det samfund, vi lever i i dag (Venderby 2017, s cv 양식. 1-24.). Artiklen undersøger, hvorledes erindringsdannelse kan være et særdeles nyttigt redskab, når faghistorikere skal formidle til et bredere publikum 인터넷 파일 다운로드.
English summary
Places of Memory in Everyday Life
How Traces of The Cold War become Traces of Memory
How can cultural institutions such as archives and museums tell stories that make a difference in people's lives on other levels than the pure external gathering of information? The main argument in this article is that in order to communicate our narratives to a broader audience, historians can effectively contribute in the making of both collective and individual memory. Memory gives people the ability to capture time. It gives human life historicity and enables us to act according to our memory of past events and our expectations to the future. The article focuses on the teaching material The Cold War in your Home City – Local Source Material of The Cold War in Hjoerring and its Surroundings, published by Hjoerring Municipal Archive. In this context we used material traces from The Cold War in an attempt to make students recollect the impacts that The Cold War has had in their neighborhood. The main argument is that memory is closely connected to materiality, and by including locations and material traces of The Cold War that the students already meet in their everyday lives in the teaching material, we enable them to internalize the stories of The Cold War.
How Traces of The Cold War become Traces of Memory
How can cultural institutions such as archives and museums tell stories that make a difference in people's lives on other levels than the pure external gathering of information? The main argument in this article is that in order to communicate our narratives to a broader audience, historians can effectively contribute in the making of both collective and individual memory. Memory gives people the ability to capture time. It gives human life historicity and enables us to act according to our memory of past events and our expectations to the future. The article focuses on the teaching material The Cold War in your Home City – Local Source Material of The Cold War in Hjoerring and its Surroundings, published by Hjoerring Municipal Archive. In this context we used material traces from The Cold War in an attempt to make students recollect the impacts that The Cold War has had in their neighborhood. The main argument is that memory is closely connected to materiality, and by including locations and material traces of The Cold War that the students already meet in their everyday lives in the teaching material, we enable them to internalize the stories of The Cold War.