Tidsskriftet Kulturstudier
Tidsskriftet Kulturstudier


Identity and memory are not things we think about, but things we think with. (Gilles 1994, s. 5).

Denne artikel vil tage udgangspunkt i forløb på museer for ældre, der har et socialt- og sundhedsorienteret behandlingsmæssigt sigte og vil beskrive den brug af historie, der er ved disse forløb 다운로드. Gennem indsamlet data vil artiklen vise, at disse forløb har en positiv indvirkning på de ældres velbefindende. Et særligt fokuspunkt er observationer ved en række forløb i Den Gamle By for ældre ramt af demens 네이버 동영상 편집기. Artiklen vil med inddragelse af teorier om historiebevidsthed diskutere den brug af historie, der kan være gældende for denne gruppe, hvis evner til at erindre er svækkede 다운로드.

English summary

History consciousness at people with dementia
Remembrance, well-being and making of identity at museums


This article describe courses with a social and health-oriented purpose at museums where the user group is elderly and it describes the use of history at the processes in these courses. Through observation of person with dementia (PwD) participating in reminiscence courses at the museum Den Gamle By, the article will show that these courses have a positive impact on the person’s well-being throughout the course. 90.6 % of PwD expressed / showed positive affect all the time or most of the time. 82,0 % of PwD could maintain sustained attention all the time or most of the time. 84.6 % of PwD showed interest through contact to others all the time or most of the time and 82.9 % of PwD expressed self-esteem in words or in body language all of the time or most of the time. The article use theories of history consciousness and discuss how the PwD’s recognizing of
autobiographical history gives them an identity.