Tidsskriftet Kulturstudier
Tidsskriftet Kulturstudier


Artiklen er en udvidet version af Karl-Erik Frandsens opposition mod Steen Buscks disputats Et landbosamfund i opbrud. Sundby Mors 1600-1800, bd. 1-2, Aarhus 2011 중국 큐큐 다운로드. Først foretages en retrogressiv analyse, der med udgangspunkt i udskiftningskortet fra 1782 kombineret med markbogen 1683 rekonstruerer de agrare strukturer i Sundby i 1683 다운로드. På dette grundlag er det derefter muligt at sandsynliggøre, at Sundby i middelalderen bestod af 3 storgårde, der senere blev udstykket i bylinger og i hvert fald fra 1662 og frem til udskiftningen i 1782 udgjorde ca apk 크랙 다운로드. 30 brug i et kompliceret fællesskab. Det er tydeligt, at fordelingen af jorden i udmarken er sket på grundlag af gårdenes tilhørsforhold til de tre bylinger 팀뷰어 크랙 다운로드.

English summary

Opposition to Steen Busck’s Doctoral Thesis A Rural Community Breaking Up. Tradition and Modernization in Sundby Parish on the Island of Mors during the Period 1660-1800, vol. 1-2, Aarhus, 2011

The present article is an extended version of Karl-Erik Frandsen’s opposition to Steen Busck’s doctoral thesis A Rural Community Breaking Up. Tradition and Modernization in Sundby Parish on the Island of Mors during the Period 1660-1800, vol. 1-2, Aarhus, 2011.

Initially, a retrospective analysis is carried out. Taking as its point of departure the enclosure map of 1782, and combining it with the village land register of 1683, the analysis reconstructs the agrarian structures of Sundby in 1683. On this foundation it is subsequently possible to render it convincing that during the Middle Ages Sundby consisted of three large farms, which were later parcelled out into embryonic villages and which at least from 1662 and until the enclosure in 1782 consisted of approx. 30 farms in a complex open-field system. It is obvious that the distribution of land in the outlying fields in 1782 was carried out on the basis of the affiliation of the farms to the three embryonic villages.