Tidsskriftet Kulturstudier
Tidsskriftet Kulturstudier



Troels Troels-Lund er kendt som foregangsmanden i den første kulturhistoriske bølge i Danmark fra omkring 1880. Hans form for kulturhistorie vandt imidlertid aldrig for alvor faghistorikernes anerkendelse, og Troels-Lund blev udgrænset 수입지출내역서 다운로드. Denne artikel går tilbage til 1870’erne og indeholder en analyse af Troels-Lunds position i det historievidenskabelige samfund – fra kampen for at blive accepteret til den efterfølgende udgrænsning 다운로드.

English summary

The article discusses the reasons for the scientific marginalisation of Troels Troels-Lund (1840-1921). Troels-Lund is best known for his 14-volume work on cultural history Daily Life in Scandinavia in the 16th Century (1879-1901). In 1882-83 Troels-Lund was twice rejected for a professorship in history. Historians and others have as an exclusion of cultural history from the scientific history. Cultural history was (and is) in opposition, is the argument of Palle Ove Christiansen. By focusing on Troels-Lund’s position in the historical milieu back in the 1870s, particularly an application for a readership at the university in 1876, the article demonstrates that Troels-Lund met with vehement opposition from the professional historians before he became a cultural historian, whilst on the other hand he met with both popular applause and political support. Troels-Lund received a measure of scientific approval as long as he subjected himself to the demands of discipline, but in the same moment as his literary production took on a freer character, he was ostracised. He did not live up to the scientific demand for seriousness, and his production was regarded as fiction rather than as historical science. Troels-Lund transferred this style to cultural history, but the focus on Troels-Lund in the 1870s shows that it was not primarily the subject field of cultural history that was later subjected to attack.