Familielivets mest intime rum henligger normalt i et historisk mørke, men enkelte gange kommer vi alligevel indenfor. Kilderne er sparsomme, fordi myndighederne ikke har interesseret sig videre for at dokumentere familiernes hverdag – medmindre noget var galt 다운로드. Kun når det var tilfældet, som for eksempel i voldssager og børneværnssager, åbnes dørene ind til privatsfæren. Forfatterne følger i denne artikel tre voldsramte familier med henblik på at komme helt tæt på deres hverdag og de udfordringer, volden kunne medføre for familierne i form af myndighedernes indblanding, naboernes nysgerrige blikke og ægtefællernes egne bristede forventninger til en hverdag, der ikke levede op til idealet 윈도우10 최신 업데이트 다운로드. Volden har således gennem tiden presset familier på andre planer end det rent fysiske.
English summary
A Micro-Historical Study of the Shady Sides of Family Life 1851, 1905 and 1966
The private sides of the everyday life of families are not easy to investigate for historians: We lack sources, as public authorities – our primary provider of his- torical documentation – generally have not been interested in this part of life. Only when something was wrong and everyday family life caught the attention of the authorities, we get a glimpse of the dark rooms. In this article, three such cases are investigated in order to understand important elements of everyday life in the family: the cases are from 1851, 1905 and 1966 and they all involve wife beating and excessive alcohol consumption (by the husband) – and in the 1905- case the children were even removed from their parents by the authorities due to both physical abuse and neglect. The article shows the battle of truth between primarily the husbands and wives: how the legitimacy of violence and alcohol consumption were negotiated in court and how the ideals for male and female behavior in married life were invoked in the discussions of guilt. Finally the ar- ticle shows that the social network of the families were not only a resource, but also had the potential of posing a threat to the family because they knew about the weaknesses of the families.