Tidsskriftet Kulturstudier
Tidsskriftet Kulturstudier


I denne artikel undersøges Odenses historiske betydning som centralt orienteringspunkt på Fyn gennem en fokus på den fynske adels bryllupper og begravelser i byen i perioden ca 임재범 사랑 다운로드. 1560-1670. Der lægges særligt vægt på, hvordan den betydning en udefrakommende gruppe, som den fynske adel, tillagde et centralt orienteringspunkt som Odense, kunne afspejles i dens tilstedeværelse i byens offentlige rum 다운로드.

Læs hele artiklen (PDF)

Bilag 1 – Adelige begravelser i Odense 1560-1670

I skemaet findes henvisninger til de benyttede oplysninger om 1) adelige, for hvem vi ved, der blev afholdt en begravelsesceremoni i Odense på en bestemt dato, uanset om de siden overførtes til en an- den kirke; 2) adelige, som vi ved, der fandtes gravmæler over i Odenses kirker, uden at vi dog kender datoen for begravelsesceremoni eller overflytning til kirken 다운로드. Der er altså ikke tale om nogen fuldstæn- dig opgørelse over adelige begravelser i Odense i det behandlede tidsrum.

Hent bilag 1 (PDF)

Bilag 2 – Adelige bryllupper i Odense 1560-1670

I skemaet findes henvisninger til de benyttede oplysninger om bryllupper med adelig deltagelse i Odense 수어사이드 스쿼드 한글자막 다운로드. Der er altså ikke tale om nogen fuldstændig opgørelse over adelige bryllupper i Odense i det behandlede tidsrum.

Hent bilag 2 (PDF)


English summary

„...with noble procession...“
Noble weddings and funerals in Odense c. 1560-1670

The article shows how the significance of a city like Odense as a focal point for a larger region during the 16th and 17th centuries was also mirrored in the presence of groups and individuals from outside the city in its public space(s), and highlights the role that these same groups and individuals could play in shaping and defining public space. Odense was sometimes referred to as the “capital“ of Funen, and in many ways the city really was a focal point for the whole island. Its importance can also be seen in the great number of noble funerals and wed- dings that took place in the city. Noble funerals and weddings show how specific places and focal points within the city, such as its churches and its town hall, could be of significance to groups from outside the city as well. But weddings and funerals also provided nobles with the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to live up to the example set by other nobles, and to demonstrate an understanding of what was expected of the festivities or ceremonies on such occasions. In this way, nobles could use the public space of cities like Odense to display their affiliation to a group separate from the city’s own population, and descriptions of noble weddings and funerals in Odense during the period c. 1560-1670 show that contemporary observers were able to identify specific noble features in the way that these groups and individuals from outside the city were present in its public space.