Tidsskriftet Kulturstudier
Tidsskriftet Kulturstudier


Når de danske handelsskibe stævnede ud mod de dansk vestindiske øer, var de ikke altid alene. Især i perioder, hvor krige hærgede, måtte flådens fregatter yde beskyttelse mod kapere og andre nationers krigsskibe, så den indbringende handel kunne fortsætte 다운로드. Det er netop disse fregatter, denne artikel vil sætte fokus på. Men ikke på deres sejladser over Atlanten og ikke på deres opgaver i de tropiske farvande 다운로드. Længe før fregatterne overhovedet var klar til at sætte kursen mod kolonierne, var der blevet gjort mange tanker om skibenes konstruktion, stand, armering og ekvipering 다운로드. Dette skete hos en kommission, der har efterladt sig en stor mængde kilder, der i dag kan fortælle os om alle de forberedelser, der skulle til, når en fregat skulle sendes på langfart 다운로드. Konstruktionskommissionen stod for alle diskussioner og beslutninger vedrørende statens skibsbyggeri, og deres efterladte protokoller giver et spændende indblik i dette arbejde 다운로드.

English summary

Good ship, well equipped.
A study of ship design and outfitting for long distance voyages.

This year (2017), we mark the centennial of the sale of the Danish West Indies to the U.S.. This article therefore considers the frequent traffic and trade across the Atlantic of the late 18th century, a traffic which made the Danish economy boom and established the kingdom of Denmark-Norway as a significant colonial power. Danish naval ships were an important feature in the trade. The article deals with the preparations and measures needed before the frigates were able to set out on the long journey. The Construction Committee controlled ship design, ship construction and the state of the Danish naval fleet. As such, the committee had the responsibility to ensure a high quality in Danish shipbuilding. However, frig- ates setting out for a longer journey called for measures of construction and fit- ting different from the frigates sailing the Danish waters. Thus, the Construction Committee was needed to recalculate dimensions and keep a distinct control with the building and outfitting of ships. The article sheds light on the many considerations and decisions to be made in order for the Danish frigates to cross the Atlantic and sail the tropic waters.