Tidsskriftet Kulturstudier
Tidsskriftet Kulturstudier


Landbruget i Danmark har de senere år opnået fornyet interesse i offentligheden. Men opmærksomheden fordeler sig primært i nogle ydre positioner mellem madtrends eksponeret ved kendiskokke og Ny Nordisk Mad og afsløringer af problematiske aspekter ved fødevareproduktion anno det 21 한컴오피스 2010 크랙 다운로드. århundrede. I det offentlige rum har vi ikke set meget til hverdagen og landbokulturen. Den hastige strukturudvikling og de teknologiske fremskridt har skabt virkeligheder i landbruget, som har vist sig vanskelige at skabe positive kulturelle referencer med 다운로드. Fortolkerne, organisationerne og landmændene selv står midt i en kulturel kamp om, hvilke kulturelle repræsentationer der kan danne baggrund for den betydning, vi som samfund tillægger landbruget og dets praksisser 다운로드.

English summary

Contemporary cultural representations of Danish agriculture

Based on material and experiences collected during the PhD.-research for: Conditions, realities and challenges in Danish agriculture (2013-16) and using a discursive approach, this paper seeks to describe and analyze some of the contemporary artistic and cultural representations, that participate in creating images and identities of and in Danish agriculture. The agricultural sector in Denmark has seen renewed interest in recent years. This interest however has focused primarily on entertainment value. Either catchy food trends – embodied by celebrity cooks and the New Nordic Food-wave, or the problematic aspects of food production in the 21st century. In the public sphere we hear little about the everyday life and culture of the farmers and rural residents. The rapid structural development and technological advances have created realities in agriculture, which has proved difficult to create positive cultural references around. In contrast the attitude of the population towards the sector has within one generation moved from intimacy to alienation – and recently a growing discontent. Therefore the mediators, the organizations and the farmers, find themselves in the midst of a battle as to which cultural representations should form the collective reference from which we as a society give meaning to agriculture and its praxis.