Tidsskriftet Kulturstudier
Tidsskriftet Kulturstudier


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I slutningen af 1800-tallet var Ebeltoft en beskeden købstad tilsyneladende uden økonomiske udviklingsmuligheder. Dette ændrede sig i løbet af 1880’erne, da en række indflydelsesrige borgere blev opmærksomme på Ebeltofts potentiale som feriedestination 다운로드. Hermed begyndte en udvikling, der i løbet
af det 20. århundrede skulle gøre Ebeltoft til en af Danmarks bedste kendte turistdestinationer. Hvordan imødekom Ebeltoft den stigende tilstrømning af gæster for at opfylde deres skiftende behov for passende adspredelse under opholdet, og hvilke strategier lå bag 다운로드? Denne udvikling er omdrejningspunktet for nærværende artikel.

English summary

Denmark’s Naples
The growth of Ebeltoft as a tourist destination – from summer residents to modern mass tourism

In the course of the 20th century, Ebeltoft developed from a modest market town of no great potential to a vibrant holiday destination with a much multiplied summer population.
The town’s visitor facilities, in the form of accommodation, amusements and activities, evolved in line with increasing tourist numbers and changing holiday requirements over time. On the threshold to the 20th century, the town recorder did not believe that an innkeeper could run a profitable business in Ebeltoft. But a century later, Ebeltoft had several hotels and the town’s inhabitants moved out of their houses in summer to make way for holidaymakers. In the course of the 20th century, the infrastructure was expanded, local areas were sold off as plots for holiday homes, campsites were opened and a number of attractions were launched with the aim of drawing even greater numbers of visitors.
The downside of tourism was a subject that greatly occupied the inhabitants of Ebeltoft, especially in the 1950s, when initiatives intended to secure more visitors were seen by some as a hindrance to the development of everyday life in the town. Tourists expected to experience a historically preserved entity, but some Ebeltoft inhabitants wanted freer limits with regard to modernisation of the town’s building stock.
The development of Ebeltoft as a tourist destination is not unique. Several other areas, such as Bornholm and the West Coast of Jutland, became established as holiday destinations at the same time. In this respect, Ebeltoft simply followed the national pattern.