Tidsskriftet Kulturstudier
Tidsskriftet Kulturstudier


Mange arkiver i Norden eksperimenterer i disse år med indsamling på nettet. I 2009-2010 udførte Dansk Folkemindesamling i samarbejde med en række arkiver og museer i Danmark den elektroniske spørgeskemaundersøgelse Lokaleliv.dk 약속해요 mp3 다운로드. Undersøgelsen fokuserede på almindelige menneskers fritidsaktiviteter i deres lokalsamfund og de fællesskaber, der er knyttet hertil. Det indsamlede materiale dokumenterer et rigt og mangfoldigt liv af lokale aktiviteter forskellige steder i Danmark, men det har i det efterfølgende arbejde vist sig, at det ikke er så nemt at analysere materialet 다운로드. Denne artikel undersøger de begrebsmæssige og metodiske problemstillinger forbundet med Lokaleliv.dk og diskuterer på den baggrund fordele og ulemper ved digital indsamling 윈도우 미디어플레이어 다운로드.

English summary

The method of digital collection: Experiences from Lokaleliv.dk

Collection and research are two central purposes for the Danish Folklore Archives at the Royal Library. Like many other archives in the Nordic countries, the archive is experimenting with digital collection via the internet. In 2009-2010, the Danish Folklore Archives carried out the internet based questionnaire Lokaleliv.dk (“Local lives in Denmark”) together with a number of Danish archives and museums. The purpose of the questionnaire was to gather information about voluntary activities taking place in different local communities in Denmark and to examine how local communities come into being. The questionnaire thus focused on leisure activities and social relations among people in Denmark. It consisted of 73 questions, with the last question including the option of writing a text about one’s activities in the local area.

While the questionnaire responses document a rich and varied life of local communities all over the country, it has turned out that it is difficult to analyze the collected material with regard to the questions initially posed when the project was launched. Based on the initial experiences and results from Lokaleliv.dk, the purpose of this article is to discuss some of the challenges of digital collection. It discusses conceptual and methodological issues related to the study, and it argues that one of the key challenges in working with the findings from Lokaleliv.dk is based on a discrepancy between the questions asked and the methods used.