Tidsskriftet Kulturstudier
Tidsskriftet Kulturstudier


Der bliver revet ned og bygget nyt i centrum af Odense i disse år med en hast, som ikke er set siden 1960’erne 고베스트. Denne artikel beskæftiger sig med baggrunden for de store projekter og undersøger, hvilke problemer der er blevet opfattet som de centrale i nyere byudviklingspolitik i Odense 다운로드.
Problemer, der blev opfattet som lokale, indgik i en transnational udveksling af byudviklingspolitik, der lagde vægt på at fremelske en kreativ økonomi 리눅스 오라클 클라이언트. De politiske problemrepræsentationer i Odense satte byens identitet i spil.

English summary

New Odense: Urban planning and the politized identity of the city

The article investigates the process of politicization of urban development and city planning in Odense since the 1990s. Following the methodology of Carol Lee Bacchi, the analysis takes departure in the question: What’s the problem represented to be? The problem representations in the urban development policies in Odense were shaped by local spaces of experience and transnational horizons of expectation. In Odense employment rates had gone down especially in the industrial sector, and the plans for turning this development around had failed, including the famous, but non-existing H.C. Andersen Fairytale Park. Perceived as local the problems in Odense were, however, expressions of a transurban and transnational exchange of knowledge, ideas and political agendas. Cities and experiences from international settings functioned as models of urban develop- ment because experts and politicians shared horizons of expectation: In the fu- ture creative cities inhabited by creative citizens would be the winners in the global competition for economic growth. The introverted focus on city identity of the creative economy produced a negative narrative in Odense, describing a somehow failed city. The negative narrative had political potential and was used in the 2005 election campaign and shaped the political consensus behind the construction of New Odense.