Tidsskriftet Kulturstudier
Tidsskriftet Kulturstudier



Adelens hestehold og herregårdens heste var en grundlæggende og uomgængelig del af 15- og 1600-tallets danske adelskultur 크롬 바이러스 무시 다운로드. Med udgangspunkt i rigsråd Eske Brocks dagbøger fra begyndelsen af 1600-tallet har denne artikel til formål at undersøge netop dette element af adelskulturen og i den sammenhæng lægge særlig vægt på hestens mangesidede rolle som redskab og symbol i periodens adelige dagligdag 다운로드.

English summary

A mounted nobleman – Equine culture and the diaries of Eske Brock

In pre-modern society, the horse was an important part of everyday life for all strata of society due to its function as the primary means of transportation when travelling across country. But in relation to the nobility the horse had an even more central and defining role.

Through an examination of the journals of the Danish nobleman Eske Brock, this article investigates the daily aspect of equine culture in the 16th and the 17th centuries in order to discuss the function of the horse as a practical tool and sociocultural symbol for the Danish nobility. The equine culture of the nobility was of great dimensions and materialized itself in manorial buildings as well as the surrounding landscape. The horse was primarily used for transportation but the nobility separated itself from the rest of society by also using the horse for leisure purposes such as hunting and dressage. Furthermore, expensive horses and cha- riots were key elements in the conspicuous consumption of the nobility and can as such be perceived as symbols of wealth and status. Finally, the medieval gene- sis of the nobility and the distinct noble privileges were intimately connected to mounted military service, making the horse an essential mark of nobility.