Tidsskriftet Kulturstudier
Tidsskriftet Kulturstudier



I starten af det 20. århundrede begyndte lysbilledforedrag at erstatte og supplere anskuelsestavler og lokale materialesamlinger som pædagogisk-didaktisk middel i de danske skoler, og lysbilledforedraget vandt også udbredelse som kommunikativt medie i forskellige foreningssammenhænge, hvor omrejsende foredragsholdere illustrerede deres beretninger med livagtige gengivelser af situationer, steder og objekter på lærredet Noteworthy composer download. Som sådan havde anvendelsen af lysbilleder en langt mere social og massekommunikativ karakter end fx det professionelle eller det personlige fotografi 다운로드.

English summary

Photography in the service of society
Slideshow presentation in lectures as a communicative medium

From the beginning of the 20th century the use of slideshows, often neatly coloured in hand, were gradually put to use in schools throughout Denmark and many other countries. This article discusses the role of this new technology in establishing a visual culture among school pupils. On this background, the article argues for viewing the slideshow presentation as a visual mass media, in relation to which especially the visual effects of the images and the social context for the use of these is interesting to focus on in our understanding of the dissemination and role of this new technology in the duty of society.