Tidsskriftet Kulturstudier
Tidsskriftet Kulturstudier


Aktivisme er en praksis, hvor museerne bruger historie og deres magtfulde position i samfundet som etablerede videns- og kulturinstitutioner til at bidrage til løsningen af samfundsmæssige problemer 다운로드. Men hvordan bør museerne bidrage til løsningen af samfundsproblemer som f.eks. social udsathed?
Det diskuterer jeg på skuldrene af museumsstudierne i aktivisme og en fortællingsanalyse af Danmarks Forsorgsmuseums brug af historie om socialt udsatte i udstillingen Skjulte Danmarkshistorier (2017) 강화학개론. Danske museer bør ligesom Forsorgsmuseet bidrage til løsningen af samfundsmæssige problemer gennem repræsentation af underrepræsenterede, samskabende samarbejder med underrepræsenterede og deltagelse i den offentlige debat om problemerne 이클립스 테마 플러그인 다운로드. Endelig bør danske museer lære af Forsorgsmuseets videre potentialer for aktivisme gennem løsningsorienterede spørgsmål, som leder op til engagement i underrepræsenteredes aktioner 다운로드.

English summary

Museum Activism

How does the Danish Welfare Museum use history about socially deprived people in their exhibition Hidden Histories of Denmark (2017)? And how can and should Danish museums contribute to the solution of societal problems like social de- privation. Activism, as it relates to museums, is a practice where museums use history and their powerful position in society to contribute to the solution of societal problems. The research discussion on activism in the field of museum studies is dominated by a positive position which prescribes activism on a conti- nuum from cautious activism over moderate activism to radical activism. In this understanding, cautious activism provides representation of underrepresented people, moderate activism entails co-operation with underrepresented people and participation in the public debate, while radical activism involves commit- ment to the actions of underrepresented people. I argue that Danish museums as the Welfare Museum can and should contribute more to finding solutions to societal problems. The museum is mainly cautious and moderate activistic. It represent underrepresented socially deprived people according to cautious acti- vism. Indeed, it co-operate with socially deprived people, but the collaboration is unequal. In turn, the museum participate in the public debate according to moderate activism, but do not ask activistic questions.