Tidsskriftet Kulturstudier
Tidsskriftet Kulturstudier


관주 성경

I artiklen undersøges fodtøj i et affaldsperspektiv ud fra især arkæologiske fund af sko fra 1300-tallet til slutningen af 1700-tallet og det samtidige underlag i det offentlige rum 위 디스크 다운로드. Formålet er at afsøge om fodtøjets udviklingshistorie var påvirket af de lokale gadeforhold herunder urenhed – med København som case.

자기 소개서 다운로드

English summary

Shoes and Filth
– In the Footsteps of the Copenhageners in the Medieval and Early Modern periods

The city of Copenhagen expanded during the medieval and early modern period, and the population as well as the waste and challenges with uncleanliness in the streets increased. The feet and footwear of the Copenhageners were daily in direct contact with this filth and dirt, and in the article the question is raised whether the streets conditions were affecting the footwear design, development and use. An object biographical approach is applied in the examination of archaeological everyday shoes from Copenhagen, from the period 1300-1800, with the help of science, craftsmanship and experimental archaeological analyzes of footwear materials, durability and use as well as the actual surfaces that the shoes and feet walked on. This is also involving written sources, the visual arts and the  ner preserved footwear. The study suggests that the uncleanliness and street surface are reflected in the shoes in the form of construction techniques and material use leading to improved durability. At the same time known and better solutions were opted out, and furthermore the very impractical footwear were among the Copenhageners favorites. The shoe's aesthetics, social importance and identity qualities were weighted heavily – in the expense of practical benefits.