Tidsskriftet Kulturstudier
Tidsskriftet Kulturstudier


„Arkæologen må risikere sorte negle“ – Sådan skrev museumsinspektør ved Aalborg Historiske Museum, Peter Riismøller, i det lille jubilæumsskrift „Urene kilder 다운로드. Et fund af husgeråd fra renæssancetid“, der udkom i 1963. Her præsenterede Riismøller i ord og billeder fund fra museets udgravninger af latrinkasser og affaldsgruber fra renæssancens Aalborg 다운로드. Blandt de omtalte latriner var også biskoppens latrin, der blev udgravet i forbindelse med nedrivningen af Aalborgs eftermiddelalderlige bispegård i 1937 마인크래프트 황혼의 집. Omtrent 80 år efter fundet, i 2016,  fik vi mulighed for at udføre en tværvidenskabelig undersøgelse af dette latrin og dets indhold. Denne undersøgelse har bidraget med ny viden om fødevarer, forbrug og internationale kontakter i en af 1600-tallets største danske købstæder 오픈캡쳐 7.5 다운로드.

English summary

Latrine of the Bishops
An interdisciplinary investigation into a 18th century latrine from Aalborg

In 1937 the house where the bishops in Aalborg had lived from the 17th century and to the beginning of the 20th century was demolished. At the plot the local archaeologists found a latrine from the beginning of the 18th century. Here the archaeologists uncovered tableware, among that Chinese porcelain and faiances from the Dutch city of Delft. Researchers also discovered a lump of human faeces in a broken bottle. Analysis revealed remnants of a partly exotic plant diet consisting of various berries and fruits, including remains of cloudberries that had probably been imported from Norway but also  gs and grapes. Other food plants like nuts and black pepper, however, were also identi ed in the sample. The exotic fruits and spices had probably been bought at the Swan Pharmacy which was run by the Friedenreich family, which originated in present day Germany.